St John of God Murdoch Hospital, part of St John of God Health Care, is a non-for-profit organisation dedicated to furthering the values and healing mission of Jesus Christ. The hospital was established in 1994, provides comprehensive, quality health services for patients in Perth's southern suburbs and is now one of Australia's leading private health campuses. The broader campus has 507 beds including a 20-bed hospice, a 24-hour emergency department, 20-chair Cancer Centre, day hospital and a wide range of clinical and diagnostic services including medical, surgical, paediatric, maternity, and critical and coronary care.

What positions are available?
Come and join our pool of nursing caregivers to try out which ward you like and where you see your future development. Hours and days are flexible to meet the needs of your commitments outside of work. We believe in a great work and life balance so together, let's find what works for you. We work hard because we care We care about our patients receiving the best clinical and compassionate care and we care about our team members. While you're busy caring for others, the hospital is busy caring about you. We invest in our people with training, and professional and personal development. We are looking for people with good work ethic. You'll be rewarded with benefits and perks beyond your pay, but there's also something you can't put a price on. You'll go home feeling fulfilled about a solid day's work. Work that has made a huge difference in someone's life.
Why work at Murdoch?
Most hospitals are functionally the same, we get that. What we do differently is in the way we do it. How we go beyond the fundamentals to ensure our patients receive amazing experiences, how we invest and nurture our caregiver development and potential for the future. We are the only Australian hospital licensed to facilitate world-leading healthcare leadership and patient experience programs centred on relationship-based care and empowering our caregivers. We also teach and practice mindfulness and meditation to ensure you are feeling great.